SM-90 NEW! SM90+ 湿潤剤および葉面スプレー (1 リットル)



SM90+ は SM90 の新しく改良されたバージョンです


SM-90+ は、庭師や園芸家に多くのメリットをもたらす多用途の湿潤剤です。栄養素の摂取を高め、ストレスを軽減し、病気への抵抗力を向上させるその能力は、植物の健康な成長を促進し、収量を最大化するための貴重なツールとなります。

From the creator of the classic SM-90

Enhancing Plant Health and Growth

In gardening and horticulture, finding effective solutions to enhance plant health and growth is always a top priority. One such solution that has gained popularity among growers is SM-90. SM-90 is a wetting agent and emulsifier designed to improve the efficiency of foliar sprays and nutrient uptake.

Understanding SM-90 +

SM-90+ is derived from a unique blend of organic compounds of natural plant extracts. It acts as a wetting agent, spreading agent, and emulsifier. Its primary function is to reduce the surface tension of liquids, making them more readily absorbed by plant surfaces and improving the distribution and absorption of nutrients.

SM-90 +Benefits

  1. Enhanced Nutrient Uptake: By breaking down the surface tension of water and nutrient solutions, SM-90+ allows for better absorption of essential minerals and nutrients through the leaves and roots. This leads to improved nutrient uptake and more efficient utilization by the plants. The result is healthier growth and plant development.
  2. Stress Reduction: SM-90+ contains compounds that can help plants combat stress caused by environmental factors such as extreme temperatures, drought, or transplant shock. It aids in reducing water stress by improving water absorption and retention, allowing plants to better withstand adverse conditions.
  3.  It has been reported to have antifungal and antibacterial properties which helps protect plants from various diseases and pathogens. When used as a foliar spray, it forms a thin film on the plant’s surface, creating a physical barrier against fungal spores and harmful microorganisms.
  4. Increased Yields: By enhancing nutrient uptake, reducing stress, and promoting overall plant health, SM-90+ can contribute to increased yields and improved crop quality. It helps plants reach their full genetic potential, resulting in more abundant harvests.

SM-90 +Application

Typically used as a foliar spray or added to nutrient solutions for hydroponic and soil-based cultivation. It is also compatible with various growing systems and can be applied throughout the plant’s life cycle. Dilution rates and application frequency may vary depending on the specific plant species, growth stage, and environmental conditions. It is important to carefully follow the manufacturer’s instructions and guidelines when using SM-90+.


SM-90+ is a versatile wetting agent that offers numerous benefits to gardeners and horticulturists. Its ability to enhance nutrient uptake, reduce stress, and improve disease resistance makes it a valuable tool in promoting healthy plant growth and maximizing yields. Whether you’re growing in soil or hydroponics SM90+ will be an excellent addition to your gardening routine.  Happy growing!



SKU: GT-SM1 カテゴリー: 鬼ごっこ:

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